The name of the Society shall be Idea Foundation, hereinafter called the society.
Aims & Objects of the Foundation :
- To undertake any activity that the foundation may deem fit to alleviate the suffering of fellow Human Beings.
- To conduct seminars, Meetings, lectures, CME Programmes among the medical professionals in sharing the knowledge.
- To get associated with the organisations conducting CME Programmes, Workshops etc.
- To print or Publish books, magazines, articles and other material to disseminate knowledge among the medical professionals.
- To actively participate in print and electronic media to educate the citizens in terms of promotion of health, education, awareness programs on environment, power, natural resources, sanitation etc.
- To create a fund for declaring awards for the contribution made by people in the field of Medicine, Surgery, Rehabilitation, or service to the society.
- To actively engage with regulatory and state bodies for the betterment of the society in the field of Health and Medical Education.
- To conduct Health Camps, Awareness Programmes and prevention of diseases by educating the people.
- To carry out CSR activities on behalf of Individuals and Corporates.
- To undertake various types of activities to provide for health care like conducting Health Camps, operate Mobile Health Clinics, Ambulance Services, conducting Blood Donation Camps.