Welcome to Idea Foundation Asia

Connecting Doctors across borders to support causes they care about

The name of the Society shall be Idea Foundation, hereinafter called the society.

Aims & Objects of the Foundation :

  1. To undertake any activity that the foundation may deem fit to alleviate the suffering of fellow Human Beings.
  2. To conduct seminars,  Meetings, lectures, CME Programmes among the medical professionals in sharing the knowledge.
  3. To get associated with the organisations conducting CME Programmes, Workshops etc.
  4. To print or Publish books, magazines, articles and other material to disseminate knowledge among the medical professionals.
  5. To actively participate in print and electronic media to educate the citizens in terms of promotion of health, education, awareness programs on environment, power, natural resources, sanitation etc.
  6. To create a fund for declaring awards for the contribution made by people in the field of Medicine, Surgery, Rehabilitation, or service to the society.
  7. To actively engage with regulatory and state bodies for the betterment of the society in the field of Health and Medical Education.
  8. To conduct Health Camps, Awareness Programmes and prevention of diseases by educating the people.
  9. To carry out CSR activities on behalf of Individuals and Corporates.
  10. To undertake various types of activities to provide for health care like conducting Health Camps, operate Mobile Health Clinics, Ambulance Services,  conducting Blood Donation Camps.
  1. To undertake activities to afford relief to the people in need or distress.
  2. To undertake the construction, purchase of equipments for Hospitals and Health Care Centres including Blood Bank Equipment & Palliative care Centres, and donate the same to health care providers.
  3. To apply for, collect, recover, receive and utilize Government, Municipal or other grants and allowances on connection with any institutions work, activity or proerty held or conducted by the society or otherwise to deal with the same according to the terms thereof.
  4. To establish and run research institutions for carrying on research & developent in sciences which will help to promote the interest of the mentally or physically retarded and handicapped persons in particular and others in general.
  5. To undertake research in indigenous methods of science and technology especially in Health Care.
  6. To accept funds from any organization, company, charitable trust/s, Not for profit organizations etc., individual person or group of individuals, persons for carrying out the above mentioned aims and objectives in truly not for profit intention.
  7. To institute scholarships in India, for any educational or other programms as may be required.
  8. To promote National Integration among the citizens of the country.
  9. To undertake any other activity from time to time which will be beneficial to the society.


The objectives of the society are wholly charitable in nature and extend to the public at large irrespective of caste, colour, creed, race and religion, It is enjoined strictly to prohibit carrying on any activity for profit unless such activity is found necessary or incidental for realization or attainments of the objectives

President’s Message

The objectives of the society are wholly charitable in nature and extend to the public at large irrespective of caste, colour, creed, race and religion, It is enjoined strictly to prohibit carrying on any activity for profit unless such activity is found necessary or incidental for realization or attainments of the objectives

Prof. Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sahay

Endocrinologist - PRESIDENT

Our Board Members

Dr. P. Srinivas Rao

Endocrinologist - VICE PRESIDENT

Dr Durga Bhavani Kalavalapalli


Dr. Sambasivaiah Kuraparthy


Dr Uma Chakravadhanula

Dermatologist - TREASURER

Dr. Kalyan Chakravarthy Gurazada

Endocrinologist - COMMITTEE MEMBER

Dr. Shyam Sunder Kalavalapalli

Endocrinologist - COMMITTEE MEMBER